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Challenge: Global private equity firm The Riverside Company has more than 200 employees worldwide and holds more than 80 platform companies. The firm is required to share information about the performance of its funds to its investors. So every November investors are invited to make their way to New York City for...

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This is part of a continuing series about how online video has significantly impacted organizational training and services at five U.S. healthcare organizations. Learn more in this webinar with Wainhouse Research, and you’ll also get a copy of Wainhouse’s new report, "Prescribing New Solutions for Communications in Healthcare,” sponsored by...

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This is part of a continuing series about how online video has significantly impacted organizational training and services at five U.S. healthcare organizations. Learn more in this webinar with Wainhouse Research, and you’ll also get a copy of Wainhouse’s new report, "Prescribing New Solutions for Communications in Healthcare,” sponsored by...

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When the comedy “Web Therapy” starring Lisa Kudrow premiered in 2011 about a psychiatrist, Fiona Wallace, and her three-minute internet therapy sessions, the concept – to many – was probably a little out-there. But this video chat treatment, in all seriousness, isn’t so far-fetched. Take this American Psychiatric Association study, for example....

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This is the final part of a series featuring Margot Douaihy, Editorial Director for AV Technology Magazine, discussing the future of AV. On the university campus and in the enterprise sky-rise, the AV decision-making process has become more IT-like. There are new decision-makers, evolving user needs and decision-making roles. Mirroring...

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Think about what it must have been like to be in the boardroom of Blockbuster Video when Netflix came out. Or in Tower Records’ boardroom when iTunes launched. What kinds of discussions were Apple executives having when Spotify and other music streaming services arrived on the scene and people weren’t...

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The constant rollout of new pharmaceutical programs, the heated debate about the Affordable Care Act and the shift toward digitization of patient records are contributing to rapid evolution that introduces the need for new tools to improve healthcare skills training and patient care. A new report from Wainhouse Research, together with...

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Healthcare is changing fast. The heated debate about healthcare reform, the constant rollout of new technologies, pharmaceuticals and treatment programs and the shift towards digitization of patient records are all contributing to the rapid evolution. With all this comes a big need for new tools to improve healthcare skills training and...

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It’s that time again. The time when adults read the annual Beloit College Mindset List and get a reality check when they’re reminded how old they really are. Brace yourselves, the list for the class of 2021 came out today. The list item that got me this year? No. 51 –...

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This is part of a continuing series about how online video has significantly impacted organizational training and services at five U.S. healthcare organizations. Learn more in this webinar with Wainhouse Research, and you’ll also get a copy of Wainhouse’s new report, "Prescribing New Solutions for Communications in Healthcare,” sponsored by...

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