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Jaimee Pitt
OLC Innovate 2019 is here, and thanks to the power of video the conversations that take place will remain strong long after it ends. Online Learning Consortium (OLC) once again selected Mediasite to be the national webcasting partner for the event in Denver, Colorado this week. So regardless of where you...

Olivia Fulton
Want to learn more about the vast potential for video in higher education? Tune in to these two live webinars that focus on how you can use video technology to enhance teaching and learning on campus. The first webinar is tomorrow and highlights the importance of integrating academic video into a learning...

Jaimee Pitt
The Mediasite team is dedicated to providing you support whenever and wherever you need it. We’re talking from the initial stages of deployment to the day-to-day needs when you’re up and running. But providing tech support effectively doesn’t happen automatically. It’s an acquired skill. Fortunately, the team you have to...

Team Mediasite
What good is the power of video learning if everyone can’t take advantage of it? State and federal laws mandate accessibility, but it’s a best practice to go beyond that with online video. Many of the latest Mediasite features focus on improving accessibility, our top priority. We’ve taken the initiative to enhance...

Jaimee Pitt
Photos taken by Benn Witt The Mediasite team is dedicated to providing you support whenever and wherever you need it. We’re talking from the initial stages of deployment to the day-to-day needs when you’re up and running. But providing tech support effectively doesn’t happen automatically. It’s an acquired skill. Fortunately, the team...

Jaimee Pitt
Even as the popularity of video-based learning grows, many organizations have stayed on the sidelines. What keeps organization leaders and training managers from turning the cameras on? Sometimes it’s as simple as not knowing where to start. When that happens, they miss out on prime opportunities to deliver skill- and...

Jaimee Pitt
The Mediasite team is dedicated to providing you support whenever and wherever you need it. We’re talking from the initial stages of deployment to the day-to-day needs when you’re up and running. But providing tech support effectively doesn’t happen automatically. It’s an acquired skill. Fortunately, the team you have to rely...

Olivia Fulton
We've got a few exciting webinars coming up that you won't want to miss. Read on to find out what we've got planned for today and the coming weeks about video training, educational technology and online events. Don't worry ...

Olivia Fulton
Think about giving a presentation. Whether it’s a lecture, training session, or a demonstration, it’s often nerve-racking. Multiply those nerves by 100 if there’s a camera in front of you. You may feel self-conscious or camera shy, or you might not know how to create the best-looking video, especially without...

Author Name
If you haven’t applied to speak at our Mediasite Experience 2019 (MSX19) conference this fall in Austin, Texas you’re really missing out on a valuable opportunity to share your video accomplishments with the masses. Get recognized by your peers. Have your institution’s success story published in the media. Help educate thousands...

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