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Team Mediasite
We've got something better than a box of chocolates for you this Valentine's Day! Our flagship conference, Mediasite Experience 2021 (MSX), is heading to ...

Team Mediasite
Your spring commencement ceremony might seem like it’s far off in the distance. After all, the spring semester just started. But if we’ve learned anything from 2020 it’s that being prepared for every scenario is always best, and virtual is here to stay. If you’re planning a graduation ceremony, you’re probably...

Olivia Fulton
What will 2021 look like for you and your team? Whether you are planning for an online or hybrid year, one thing is for sure – communicating with video is more important than ever. Are you confident in your digital strategy for any possible video situation?  Check out our winter camp...

Joe Mozden Jr.
  Before the COVID-19 pandemic, analysts were predicting that it would take several years for the mass adoption of enterprise video. Now, platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, BlueJeans and Google Hangouts are well known to the average consumer. Video use has crept into almost every industry, and although we all wanted to...

Olivia Fulton
My first semester of my junior year is in the books! This semester was my first one completely online and also my first semester in the School of Journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Starting my education in strategic communications online was certainly a process and I am thankful that...

Chris Scholtens
Streaming video’s incredible value is front and center in this digital-first world as everyone teaches, learns, and communicates online. That means it is critical those meetings and classes are both easily accessible to all intended viewers while also completely secure from unwanted eyeballs. Plus, it goes without saying that video...

Jaimee Pitt
CASE STUDIES Corporate ABC for Health Shared Public Health Announcements on COVID-19 Coronavirus Public Health Announcements for the Masses Delivered with Streaming Video Education Western University of Health Sciences Plans for Hybrid Fall with Mediasite Edgecombe Community College Selects Mediasite for All Faculty University of Leeds Sees Rapid Growth of Mediasite Personal...

Olivia Fulton
So, let's be honest. 2020 has been the year of curveballs and surprises – some good, some … well, you know. #2020. It may have been a difficult year for all of us, but we still have many reasons to be grateful. At the end of each year we like to...

Olivia Fulton
2020 has been a year of new experiences, twists and turns. I think we can all agree that while it’s safe to say we want this year over with, we’ve still learned some new things about ourselves – and that’s never a bad thing! We asked our employees to share...

Olivia Fulton
OK we swear we aren’t braggers, but we’re just too excited to not share. Mediasite Mosaic has won two more awards. It won best new “Lecture Capture/Screen Recording” in the THE Journal 2020 New Product Awards, and the Campus Technology 2020 New Product Awards. Just in time to wrap...

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