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    What’s New In Mediasite?

    February 10, 2022

    Mediasite is constantly improving and adding new features to make it as useful as possible to our customers, providing them with the seamless access they need to interact effectively with others in an increasingly hybrid or remote environment. It’s no secret that attention spans are shrinking. Our goal: to empower anyone to share anything from anywhere to any environment. We’ll support the explosive growth in educational video with solutions that allow widespread application across your organization easily. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a very exciting opportunity that is going to allow us to deliver amazing new features to current and future users.

    To ensure our ability to put value in our customers’ hands regularly, we’ve shifted to an agile environment allowing us to introduce multiple features every month. So, let’s take a look at some of our most recently released features and how you can put them to work for you and your audiences.

    Remove Background Noise for Video Presentations

    This is a cloud-only feature that we’ve been getting some great feedback about. This feature helps both your audiences and your presenters focus on what really matters. Whether there’s a dog barking in the background, a whirling fan creating white noise, or an unexpected siren passing by—all disruptions you’ve likely encountered either as a presenter or audience members—through a combination of advanced hardware and artificial intelligence, Mediasite can now easily remove these distracting noises from your videos. This capability is currently available in our cloud-based RC environments. As we scale up, we will begin offering this currently limited availability feature to more environments and more customers.

    Schedule Mosaic Recordings

    This makes Mosaic something that will move with your presenters wherever they need to go. Scheduling support for users allows them to bring their video schedule with them anywhere—whether they’re in the classroom, the boardroom, at home, or wherever they may be. Whether the lecturer or presenter wants to do an ad hoc recording or has a class coming up they want to capture on time, they can make it happen.

    What we’re doing here is making schedulable and scalable rooms powered by software. Mosaic is a complementary tool that allows you to schedule from anywhere—whether working from home, from the office or anywhere.

    Expanded Zoom Integration

    In addition to Zoom meetings, we now support Zoom webinars which is a slightly different product line. Now you can do all of your Zoom meetings and webinars.

    Open Mediasite Ecosystem

    Our goal is to get all of your content from a number of different sources. We’ll be working on adding functionality to allow you to collect all that content—including video content which is becoming increasingly popular and increasingly prevalent—from a wide range of sources, including third-party sources. You’ll be able to do this through integrations as well as the technology that’s available such as RTMP. We’re looking at taking that from not just individual software services but also third-party hardware that can pull in valuable associated metadata. More on this to come over our next few webinar updates. This is going to allow increased flexibility for when and where to upload presentations.

    Automatic Speech Recognition

    Coming with the launch of our new player in 2022, we’ll be making a limited availability release that will be available for preview soon. This will allow you to put automated captioning into your presentations along with the ability to generate captions.

    Introducing a New 360° Perspective

    If you really want to deliver a truly immersive experience for your audience, our new 360° perspective will do just that by supporting 360° video, a new navigable feature. You’ll expand your users’ horizons with this new feature that really puts them into the moment in a much more realistic way.

    The Ability to Explore “Offroad”

    Through our Spotlight tool, presenters will be able to multitask—navigating other content while their presentation continues to play. You can keep your presentation running in the player while checking out other sessions or what’s coming up next. Users will also be able to navigate other content while watching a presentation.

    Maximizing Engagement

    Whether creating attendee profiles and enhancing that through networking or blowing out the chat function to accommodate 100’s of thousands of users, adding chat functionality for exhibitors and attendees really maximizes engagement in the virtual environment.

    A Look Into the Future

    Mediasite’s big benefit today is its awesome automated video platform that can pull video in from multiple sources and deliver it seamlessly to your participants. Looking ahead to what’s next, we’re building technology to empower automated enhancements. This allows enhancements to be scaled through AI in an automated way—in some cases eliminating manual editing entirely.

    We’re always open to both your input about our features and ideas for new features that can make both your presentations and your participation easier, more scalable, and more seamless wherever you are.

    Register now for our latest “What’s New in Mediasite” webinar to learn more about the new product features!


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