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Team Mediasite
There are a lot of unknowns in education right now, but one thing is for sure: students still expect an immersive, engaging learning experience during this new normal of online classes. Whether the fall semester will be 100 percent virtual, a social-distanced version of face-to-face or, most likely, a hybrid...

Olivia Fulton
The first-ever Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) virtual conference begins today, and we’re excited to have our Mediasite Events team making that a reality. Thanks to our complete virtual event solution, The University of Wisconsin-Madison Continuing Studies conference is thriving in a fully online environment – virtual registration numbers tripled...

Jaimee Pitt
Blackboard’s first-ever fully virtual BbWorld is taking place today and tomorrow and we’re excited to be sponsoring, speaking at and exhibiting virtually! As you plan your digital-first classroom this fall, we’ll show you how Mediasite seamlessly integrates with Blackboard Learn Ultra making it easier than ever to create, watch and...

Olivia Fulton
There is so much video content being produced, repurposed, and shared all over the world in this COVID reality. Does your organization have the bandwidth and infrastructure to handle all of it? Moving to Mediasite Video Cloud ensures you give unprecedented worldwide access to your video communications. Don’t take our...

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Organizations across the globe are being forced to cancel in-person events due to mandated social distancing. However, the savviest event planners know that technologies like streaming video are incredibly powerful ways to keep the show going while still maintaining their attendees’ safety at home. The University of Wisconsin E-Business Consortium (UWEBC)...

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Your learning management system is at the center of your teaching and learning strategy, but LMSs are not designed to handle video files. Video-based learning is gaining popularity, and there is an increased demand for learning platforms to integrate with video technologies. After all, faculty and students are creating massive amounts...

Shelley Raaths
There’s a trendy phrase being used a lot lately – “Together Apart,” and it perfectly sums up what is happening with families, friends and colleagues right now. While we’re all isolated in our homes, it’s inspiring how everyone -- especially coworkers -- is finding ways to stay in touch with...

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To round out a great week at the virtual InfoComm Connected 2020, we’re excited to announce our new one-click video capture app Mediasite Mosaic won a best of show award. Mosaic, our lightweight app for hybrid learning and remote work, is a recipient of the 2020 Future Best of Show InfoComm...

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June 18 to 22 What will the next year look like for you and your team? There are still many questions about what the future holds for schools and businesses in this new COVID world, but one thing is for sure – communicating with video has never been more important. Are...

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This week at InfoComm Connected 2020 we announced new advanced integration with Zoom to make it easier than ever before to deliver hybrid learning to students this fall. Here’s what you need to know: Schools are creating massive amounts of educational videos. However, not every meeting needs to be recorded. The advanced...

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