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Clinical Assistant Professor Sally Hunter at The University of Tennessee Knoxville is in the midst of her 15 minutes of fame. You might have read about her in USA Today or Cosmopolitan or seen the viral post on Twitter from her student, Morgan King, that started it all. Morgan recently emailed...

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This is part of a series highlighting sessions at Campus Technology 2017 this week in Chicago, Ill. About four years ago the Duke University School of Nursing dealt with a massive phishing attempt to get direct deposit information for faculty. The attackers understood how the intranet looked and created a fake one,...

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This is part of a series highlighting some of the sessions from Campus Technology 2017 this week in Chicago, Ill. Video isn’t new. It’s everywhere. You can learn to change your oil, reupholster your sofa or sew a sweater on YouTube. So why wouldn’t students learn with video? That’s what Sarah Kunze,...

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Photo courtesy of USA Today By now, you may have heard about the University of Tennessee Knoxville student’s heartwarming story about life as a single mom. Therapeutic recreation student Morgan King posted a response on Twitter she received from her professor, Sally Hunter, recently after explaining she had to miss a class...

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So, you’re going to speak at a conference or event soon? Congrats. It’s exciting to be selected to share a little wisdom with people, but if you’re new to the speaking circuit there are probably some nerves, right? That’s to be expected. After all, a lot could go wrong. You could...

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A quiet revolution is gaining speed in colleges and universities worldwide. No, people aren’t beating down the schools’ doors, but there is an important paradigm shift under way because educators and university leaders are embracing technology; more specifically, video. A recent study from Wainhouse Research revealed the ability to capture lectures as video for...

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Today we announced The Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), a Deemed University in Mumbai, India has selected Mediasite for lecture capture and management. The selection makes it the first university in India to deploy a large-scale academic video program. “We realize the future of education lies in technology that allows learning...

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If you attended InfoComm last week in Orlando, Fla., we hope you had a chance to stop by our booth to find out what’s new with Mediasite. In case you missed us or weren’t able to attend the show, here’s a recap of our whirlwind week. 1. Our biggest Mediasite product news...

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*This is a short series where I’m recapping some of my favorite sessions from UBTech 2017. Relive the conference on demand for free at UBTech 2017 Showcase. The principles that suck us in to YouTube videos are the same things that have made movies captivating for decades and plays engaging...

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*This is a short series where I’m recapping some of my favorite sessions from UBTech 2017. Relive the conference on demand for free at UBTech 2017 Showcase. Jason Webb, online learning analyst at Syracuse University, posed this question to the audience at UBTech 2017: Do instructors at your institutions want...

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