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This is part of a series featuring Margot Douaihy, Editorial Director for AV Technology Magazine, discussing the future of AV. On the university campus and in the enterprise skyrise, the AV decision-making process has become more IT-like. There are new decision-makers, evolving user needs and decision-making roles. Mirroring the consumer...

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Living in tornado alley, one must always be prepared for Mother Nature to rear her ugly head. With a threat of severe weather, there are the typical precautions people take, like boarding up windows, creating an emergency plan and stocking up on food. Something else that’s essential that might not be...

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The next little thing in video capture is here. Meet the Mediasite RL Mini, the newest member of the Sonic Foundry recorder family. We caught up with the Mediasite Mini during its busy launch tour to talk about how it can help schools get up and running with lecture capture quickly...

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This is part of a series featuring Margot Douaihy, Editorial Director for AV Technology Magazine, discussing the future of AV. On the university campus and in the enterprise skyrise, the AV decision-making process has become more IT-like. There are new decision-makers, evolving user needs and decision-making roles. Mirroring the consumer electronics...

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Congratulations to The University of Leeds, one of our most strategic customers, on earning the highest honors in the prestigious Teaching Excellence Framework. TEF awarded University of Leeds a gold rating, citing, among other things, that “students from all backgrounds achieve consistently outstanding outcomes” and that independent learning is supported by...

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This is the first part of a series featuring Margot Douaihy, Editorial Director for AV Technology Magazine, discussing the future of AV. On the university campus and in the enterprise skyrise, the AV decision-making process has become more IT-like. There are new decision-makers, evolving user needs and decision-making roles. Mirroring the...

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To extend the life of the hundreds of hours of content presented every year at Citrix Synergy, conference planners teamed up with Mediasite Events to power Citrix Synergy TV. By livestreaming the keynotes and breakout sessions, they turned the in-person event into an online, live and on-demand destination that lives...

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Wainhouse Research Senior Analyst Alan D. Greenberg recently interviewed educational technologists in higher education about the digital transformation for his April report, “Higher Education at the Crossroads: Leveraging Educational Platforms for Institutional Transformation.” They told him that aside from security, a technology’s ability to integrate with a learning management system is...

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Twitter lit up last week with thoughts about the Campus Technology 2017 conference in Chicago, Ill. The show tackled current higher education issues, best practices and trends and looked to what the future holds. Check out the hot topics people were talking about. Also, check out this blog post with...

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If you attended Campus Technology 2017 last week in Chicago, Ill., we hope you had a chance to stop by our booth to find out what’s new with Mediasite. If you missed us, this video will catch you up. Also, check out some of the top tweets from the show in this...

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