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    8 Things to Love About Mediasite 8

    August 10, 2021

    As the world starts to open back up and we go back to in-person meetings and work events, it’s important to remember we’re not going back to what it used to be. We now live in a digital-first world and the power of streaming video to keep people connected will always be front and center.  

    Mediasite 8 exhibits new video advancements, personalized communication, and user engagement tools that improve our existing foundation while emerging into the abiding hybrid world. We’re excited that Mediasite 8 is officially here! To celebrate, we’re counting down the top eight reasons to love Mediasite 8 and why you should plan your move. We love Mediasite 8 because: 

    8. It supports universal usage 

    A typical customer’s Mediasite usage has grown to an average of 1 million video views per month. Mediasite 8 has a new video engine, available now, designed to support ubiquitous usage, allowing users to store videos more efficiently. 

    7. It improves the reliability of media capture and delivery 

    Mediasite 8 is the most scalable version to date with performance improvements for both live and on-demand video playback worldwide. The combination of this new reliability with the improvement of our existing encoding settings, allows all users to scale Mediasite 8 to meet the current and increasing demand of your personal organization.

    6. It stores video more efficiently

    Content can now be stored more efficiently by utilizing advanced bitrate control that offers new 720p and 1080p encoding settings with lower bitrates than ever before. These encoding settings allow you to choose a resolution as well as a target bitrate that Mediasite will then encode for an optimal bitrate for your video content, saving you the file size and bandwidth requirements. Both video uploads and Mediasite Mosaic recordings will automatically have these new encoding settings in place.

    5. It provides a better-quality video playback

    Whether you are presenting video content to existing users, prospects, or business professionals, having reliable video playback tools is imperative. Mediasite 8, advanced the existing encoding settings to not only provide strong playback for any user but also reduces the file size and improves the quality synchronously. Video enhancements will continue to evolve, which is why Mediasite’s encoding settings are prioritizing user needs.  

    4. It highlights innovative video capture solutions

    With the continuous shift in the platform setting, it is important that Mediasite 8 offers a full suite of room-based, as well as desktop software, that can automate content in classrooms, training rooms, or board rooms. Innovation in these solutions builds upon the existing strong foundation while providing new technology tools and video adoption methods. 

    3. It supports automation 

    Supporting automation creates a new element of flexibility for users. Their ability to stream third-party sources directly through Mediasite allows you to scale faster, resulting in an overall increase in content. As users, you are seeking an efficient yet effective way to produce content on any given platform, and the new level of automation in Mediasite 8 provides that. 

    2. It empowers content owners

    Perhaps one of the most influential new features of Mediasite 8 is the level of empowerment that content creators and owners have. By allowing organizations to implement new policies designed around their specific content, we are reimagining the idea of a truly design-first user experience.  

    1. It sets the stage for future innovations

    We are building our strong foundation of reliable and flexible technology to expand our platform while continuing to further the content coming in during the pandemic. Customization for our users as well as developing interoperability with third-party video platforms are only the beginning of our innovations. Mediasite 8 release is setting the stage for strong growth for the future of our solutions and to continue improving our user experience.  

    The first release of Mediasite 8 is available now. Learn more at 


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