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Did you miss the UBTech conference earlier this summer in Las Vegas? Not to fear! We captured every keynote and breakout session for attendees via Mediasite, and now, all those videos are available to you. Keep checking back here on our blog in the coming days and weeks as we highlight...

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Did you miss the UBTech conference earlier this summer in Las Vegas? Not to fear! We captured every keynote and breakout session for attendees via Mediasite, and now, all those videos are available to you. Keep checking back here on our blog in the coming days and weeks as we highlight...

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What do you get when faculty and students use five different video solutions to create and watch lectures and assignments? Videos posted all over the place – YouTube, your LMS, personal websites, etc. – that’s what. Not to mention your wasted time and money trying to effectively manage all that...

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Let’s first state the obvious: a lot, and I mean a lot, goes into planning and executing an event. No one knows this better than you. But what about when the event is over? If you’ve put money and effort into capturing your event (or at least major portions of it), you...

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Students in the International Relations program at Duquesne University go on to work in places like government agencies, law firms and multinational corporations. Their instructors understand that they need to experience a variety of real-world situations to practice their problem-resolution skills and crisis management. What better way than through a...

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Learning management systems have come a long way since their infancy in the late 90s. Today, the LMS of your college or university likely plays a major role in your day-to-day instructional strategies. And for many of you, the same can be said for the massive number of videos you’re...

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Ten years ago might not seem like that long ago to some people. But think of it this way: In 2008 you were still going to video stores to rent movies. You weren’t watching TV online much. YouTube was only two years old. It was still two years before we met Siri. The first-generation iPhone...

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HUM News in Pakistan recently featured Iqra University’s use of Mediasite in a segment. Check out this video to see how students all over the country can watch lectures and take exams online via Mediasite in the university's new 'smart classrooms.'   Read more about Iqra University...

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Milwaukee-based American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy saw its Annual Meeting attendance grow exponentially the past few years. That was a great thing for the membership organization but a roadblock when it came to finding space in the venues to accommodate everyone. “About 2,600 people attended our 2017 meeting,” said...

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In 2016, the media capture and storage system we used at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, Fla., had reached maturity. Cooperation between faculty and IT staff had yielded a video system that benefited students and teachers, but it was time to take the next step. We wanted to expand...

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