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Heard at UBTech 2018: Cybersecurity & Higher Ed — How You Can Be Guardians of Cyber Gates

August 14, 2018

Did you miss the UBTech conference earlier this summer in Las Vegas? Not to fear! We captured every keynote and breakout session for attendees via Mediasite, and now, all those videos are available to you.

Keep checking back here on our blog in the coming days and weeks as we highlight some of our favorites. Today, enjoy a keynote from Joanne Martin, a prominent cybersecurity consultant and formerly chief information security officer and vice president for IT risk at IBM.

In his introduction, Editorial Director for Professional Media Group JD Solomon said:

“As we speak to college and university CIOs the one thing they tell us that keeps them up at night is cybersecurity. It’s for good reason. The hackers want to target your institutions. They want your students’ personal information. They want your financial information. They want your research departments’ intellectual property. No matter how big or strong a cyber wall we can build around our institutions, there have to be gates, because information has to go in and out. As your institution’s technology leaders, you have a role in being guardians of these gates.”

Here’s Joanne Martin discussing the latest threats facing schools and strategies for how leaders can deal with them (her portion begins around the 5-minute mark).

If you can’t wait another day to see more, here’s the complete UBTech 2018 Mediasite Showcase. You’ll need to log in to view the content, but it’s free.

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